Dedicated to supporting growers
You never know what you’ll encounter when traveling through Africa to assist growers and poultry producers. This light-hearted story of mishap was shared with our managing director, Richard Fritz, and comes from Tanzania. We think it illustrates how dedicated to supporting growers our leadership, teams and contractors are, so we had to share it.
“World Poultry Foundation contractor Bonny Ishengoma had the opportunity to a poultry producer in Tanzania, Ms. Sharifa Abebe. Ms. Abebe’s brooder unit is part of the foundations African Poultry Multiplication Initiative, and is located in the Tanga Region of Tanzania. At her unit, Ms. Abebe is brooding 1,536 Sasso chicks.
Because Ms. Abebe’s unit is located in the Tanga Region, surrounded by soil that is predominately clay, it can be difficult to travel during the rainy season – but that doesn’t stop our foundation from checking-in to support growers. That type of dedication in our people is what led Bonny found to traveling the precarious roads that lead to Ms. Abebe’s operation.
As you can see in the photos, this rainy season travel didn’t end well for our contractor! Bonny was stuck at this brooder for three days after his car broke down and he had to locate a mechanic — 90 km away. Pictured with him is a young veterinarian in the region named Gloria.
We call that real dedication! And, as for Bonny, he has decided that in the future he will try to visit this region during the dry season.”
Richard Fritz
Managing Director
World Poultry Foundation