Growing Flocks in Nigerian Villages

World Poultry Foundation Randall Ennis Visits Nigerian Village FlocksA travel note from Randall Ennis, CEO of World Poultry Foundation:

On my last visit to Nigeria, I had the opportunity to go to several villages to talk with farmers and observe the Noiler bird under field conditions. During our visit, we stopped ain the villages of Abatan, Alapako, and Aromi Daounja in the Oyo and Ogun States. Access to several of the villages in the area is by foot as the roads are impassable, especially during the rains.

Most of the households we visited have started with 5 birds, but many have already increased their flock sizes to 15 – 25 due to the outstanding growth and robustness of the Noiler compared to the indigenous breeds. Several of the farmers visited reported that their birds had started laying, and they were excited over the output they were getting.

Most of the women we visited with told us that they were using the eggs for consumption, primarily for their children. It is always heart warming to see the impact the African Poultry Multiplication Initiative is having on people’s lives!

Please enjoy some snapshots from my trip below! We are glad to share updates with you on this travel journal, and encourage you to connect with us in social media, namely Facebook or LinkedIn.

Until next time,


Randall Ennis
World Poultry Foundation





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