Women in Poultry: on the road in Ghana

During a recent trip to Ghana World Poultry Foundation’s Managing Director, Richard Fritz, had the opportunity to meet with the association of Women in Poultry Value Chain.

The Women in Poultry Value Chain, a woman-only organization has over 300 members in all 10 regions of Ghana. Members of the organization include women owned and operated businesses in poultry and egg production, DOC (de oiled cake) suppliers, marketers, feed manufacturers and veterinary drug suppliers.

The organization, whose motto is “Think Chicken”, is on a mission to create new opportunities for women along the poultry chain for the benefit of society and improvement of women owned businesses. You can learn more about them online.

Encountering other groups who are working to empower growers across Africa is a great experience for me.

Until next time,


Richard Fritz
Managing Director
World Poultry Foundation




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