Introducing Ms. Frances Chisholm

Frances Chisholm
Ms. Frances Chisholm

The World Poultry Foundation has friends and affiliates across the globe that have contributed to the successful programs and partnerships that advance the mission of empowering poultry growers and educators.

Ms. Frances Chisholm is one such supporter, and a valued colleague who has experienced and championed the mission of the WPF.

Ms. Chisholm, an international expert and agricultural economist by training, has served both the public and private sectors in the U.S. and abroad. As a career diplomat Ms. Chisholm served in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Equatorial Guinea, Germany, Mexico, Switzerland, and was the Economic Advisor to the U.S. Special Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan.  She recently retired from the U.S. Department of State.

Passionate about agricultural transformation in Africa, Ms. Chisholm has worked with the WPF on projects in South Africa from their inception. In fact, Frances’s friendship with WPF began when she introduced the WPF to our partners the KwaZulu-Natal Poultry Institute (KZNPI) and Future Farmers Foundation while serving as Consul General of the U.S. in Durban, South Africa.

Ms. Chisholm was also the driving force in securing a Fulbright Scholarship for Dr. Mike Lacy of the University of Georgia who consulted with WPF, the KZNPI and universities in South Africa on poultry production and training.

Her involvement with programs in South Africa has given her a unique perspective and intimate understanding of WPF partnerships, and she has graciously accepted the WPF’s invitation to share her view of our programs.

By teaming up with Ms. Chisholm, the WPF hopes to spread stories of lives changed, individual accounts of internship experiences and the impact that WPF programs and partnerships have both in South Africa and here in the U.S.

Keep an eye out for Frances’s stories here and please join us in welcoming her as a valuable resource for insight and growth as we bolster our communications efforts.


Richard Fritz
Managing Director
World Poultry Foundation

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