“They love us a lot”

This story is one in a series from Frances Chisholm highlighting stories of lives impacted by World Poultry Foundation programs and workshops both in the U.S. and abroad. We encourage you to learn more about Ms. Chisholm and our poultry projects in South Africa.


Sibongiseni MabeaSibongiseni, Future Farmer Intern is following all precautions advised by Rose Acre Farms, where he is interning for a year under a World Poultry Foundation-supported program.  “We are calm,” he says of the South Africans on the Indiana farm during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The young poultry farmer is pleased to have been assigned to a new house with about 200,000 new chickens.  “I look forward to following them through the whole production cycle,” he enthused.

Management has also spotted his interest and skill in maintenance work.  “We are fixing everything,” he beams.  Sibongiseni grew up helping to keep all equipment in good working order at home.  “I learned a lot about repairing things,” he says.  He’s proud that management is taking his maintenance suggestions.  “Everyone helps, but I enjoy it most of all. We are here to help.”

Sibongiseni says of management, “They love us a lot.” 

I can understand why!

Stay well, Sibongiseni!

The South African interns participate on a J-1 visa exchange visitor program sponsored by the WISE Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Dyersburg, Tennessee.




Ms. Frances Chisholm
Friend & Supporter of the WPF
Learn More About Frances

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