“If you know what you want to do, do it!”

This story is one in a series from Frances Chisholm highlighting stories of lives impacted by World Poultry Foundation programs and workshops both in the U.S. and abroad. We encourage you to learn more about Ms. Chisholm and our poultry projects in South Africa.

Zilungisele JozanaZilungisele Jozana knew he wanted to raise broilers.  He started small in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province five years ago.  Along the way, he built housing for his birds, re-invested his profits, and now proudly owns a pickup truck and other broiler-farm equipment.  

The young farmer has long realized he needs to set up an abattoir to take better advantage of the profitable broiler market.  He currently sells to the live market, but “after 6-7 weeks, the birds eat my profit,” he says.  “I was struggling before I attended the KwaZulu-Natal Poultry Institute’s Abattoir and Food Safety course last year.  Now I know everything,” he exclaims joyfully – “all about certifications, packaging, hygiene, structures.”  Since completing the World Poultry Foundation-funded course, Zilungisele has fulfilled nearly all the requirements to open a low-throughput abattoir.  He has also bought abattoir equipment, second-hand, in close consultation with one of the course instructors.  

He plans to buy or rent a mobile freezer that can be put on the back of his truck for making deliveries.  He also has his sights set on building up his farm’s capacity to 500 birds.

Zilungisele Jozana’s brand illustration used on his poultry product packaging.

With a keen interest in marketing, over the years Zilungisele developed a brand and now plans to purchase branded packaging.  He also foresees providing a slaughtering service for other people’s birds, as the closest abattoir is a two-hour drive away. 

“The Department of Agriculture has promised me a grant of feed vouchers to get production up, and the municipality is helping me, too,” says Zilungisele excitedly. 

“Taking the KZN PI course was a very important step for me, I’m very, very, very happy!  I was so proud to be approved for the course and I’m so grateful to the World Poultry Foundation for funding it. I’ve always said to myself: if you know what you want to do, do it!

Your determination and optimism are infectious, Zilungisele.  Good luck as you grow your business!






Ms. Frances Chisholm
Friend & Supporter of the WPF
Learn More About Frances